If you are interested in buying a flat at Woodrolfe Park, then you’re in good company. We have a list of people who’ve expressed an interest in buying, so properties often sell in the first few days of coming on to the market. You can add your name to the list by emailing the Secretary, details are at the bottom of this page.
The freehold to the entire block of flats is owned by a limited company. And the good news is that the company is owned by the individual owners. So no one makes a profit out of inflated service charges or sky high ground rents. We share the administration through a board of directors made up of owners who freely give their time. This arrangement keeps standards high and costs low.
Once a vendor has accepted your offer, please contact the Secretary as soon as possible. We will need a reference from you and we need to give you some very important information for your solicitor.
Most importantly, please take time to read the Guidance Notes below. They deal with day to day matters like safety and security. And also some key information about what type of vehicles are allowed, subletting your flat and changes you might wish to make. There’s lots in there and it’s all important. It’s what helps ensure that Woodrolfe Park is a community that respects one another and that we all enjoy the peace that Woodrolfe Park offers.
When you read the guidelines you'll notice that "owners" are called "tenants". This is because like almost all flats in the UK, Woodrolfe Park flats are leasehold. You own a lease on the property. Likewise it means that when letting a flat, your "tenants" are called "sub-tenants". Of course we don't allow sub-letting by sub-tenants!
Please email or telephone the company secretary
woodrolfepark@gmail.com or 07562 422702